
''A crowd favorite seemed to be Mélanie Beauchamp's larger-than-life rendition of Gilles' mother - familiar but never pedestrian in the role of the Francophone matriarch...I can't deny that her presence commended the audience's and characters' attention alike.'' Benevolence, Eve Beauchamp, Intermission Magazine

''De son côté, Mélanie Beauchamp embrasse avec un grand aplomb son rôle ingrat de mégère à apprivoiser: une douce pas douce, acide (c'est elle qui porte les répliques les plus cocasses) et épuisante. Mais une femme qui pense devoir compenser les lacunes (les tares!) de son conjoint.'' J'ai mon voyage, Yves Bergeras, Le Droit

"Les portraits les plus émouvants auront été ceux, graves et lumineux, esquissés par Nathalie Baroud (dans un registre comique acide-amer) et Mélanie Beauchamp (dans le tragi-comique très finement dosé), qui livrent avec une profonde vérité de troublants paradoxes. ... La seconde campe un cœur brisé qui cherche à se consoler devant ses fourneaux ; elle popote en trinquant en solo à sa santé mentale qui s’évapore, tout en agitant un couteau de cuisine bien trop proche de ses poignets pour nous rassurer. Bouleversant !" J'accuse, Yves Bergeras, Le Droit

''The performers are outstanding. Mélanie Beauchamp in the role of Bridget plays the manic sister whose odd approach to match-making actually works in the play, albeit a far stretch from reality. Her convincing expressions, body-language and awkward dancing skills made me love the character...'' You Are Happy, Ron Finnigan, The New Ottawa Critics

''This play is at times painfully funny, with the three wildly different comedic styles of Mélanie Beauchamp, David Brown, and Katie Bunting forming the brass section in an orchestra.'' You Are Happy, David Currie, Apartment 613

''Bridget (played with boisterous exuberance by Mélanie Beauchamp, back for another run after last season's excellent Les Passants) is hell-bent on helping her brother Jeremy...'' You Are Happy, Allyson Domansky, Ottawa Tonite

''Difficile mandat - relevé avec panache - que celui de ce quatuor qui, d'une scène à l'autre, doit sauter d'un costume à l'autre, mais, surtout, changer instantanément de ton, du plus dramatique au plus clownesque, en passant par le carrément burlesque.'' Les Passants, Yves Bergeras, Le Droit

''...the woman consumed with needing a ''baby'' grand piano she'll never play (performed perfectly over the top by Mélanie Beauchamp)...'' Les Passants, Allyson Domanski, Ottawa Tonite

''...we witness a triage nurse (featuring a hilarious performance by Mélanie Beauchamp) arguing with an impatient in-patient... The ensemble works together beautifully and it's clear that each individual actor is well balanced in both comedic and dramatic practices.'' Les Passants, Brie McFarlane, The New Ottawa Critics

''All actors are brilliant... Les Passants is an imaginative, deep, intelligent, intriguing, disturbing, beautifully performed play with a cohesion of theatrical elements rarely seen in today's theatre.'' Les Passants, Rajka Stefanovska, Capital Critics' Circle

''They were given five strong productions by director Sébastien Bertrand and his stalwart cast of Mélanie Beauchamp... There is nuance and fine details in each performance.'' Les Zinspirés Puissance Quatre, Lynn Slotkin, The Slotkin Letter

''Beauchamp makes Madeleine's sincerity so obvious that we know she is telling the truth that she did not ''steal'' Alex away from Albertine. Toronto is unlikely to see a better production of Le Passé antérieur in the near future.'' Christopher Hoile, Stage Door

''As Madeleine, Mélanie Beauchamp matches Dufour with equal vigour. She is wary of Albertine and can protect herself from her sister. Director Diana Leblanc and her fearless cast do the play proud.'' Le Passé antérieur, Lynn Slotkin, The Slotkin Letter

''Mélanie Beauchamp has so often played sweet, comic characters, it is a pleasure to see how she blooms in the complex role of Albertine at age 30, a young woman who has already had the horrifying experience of the rage she fears will blight her entire life. Her Albertine is the focus of the play's ending, which I will not reveal, except to say it is one of the most extraordinarily moving moments I have ever experienced at the TfT.'' Albertine en cinq temps, Christopher Hoile, Stage Door

''30's Beauchamp had just the right level of explosive lurking underneath her surface.'' Albertine en cinq temps, The Visitorium

''...Beauchamp and Hébert both give strong performances...'' À toi, pour toujours, ta Marie-Lou,  Jon Kaplan, NOW Magazine 

''Beauchamp perfectly conjures up Rosette's innocence and fragility.'' On ne badine pas avec l'amour, Christopher Hoile, Eye Weekly

''The strength of this production is in the warmth and utter sincerity that Pierre Simpson and Mélanie Beauchamp bring to their respective roles. Lovely, unaffected work from both.'' Le Misanthrope, Robert Crew, Toronto Star

''Mélanie Beauchamp wins waves of laughter for playing Martine as a gruff French-Canadian servant who frequently misunderstands what others say.'' Les Femmes savantes, Christopher Hoile, Stage Door 

''...while Mélanie Beauchamp rocked the house with laughter as an unrepentantly ungrammatical servant.'' Les Femmes savantes, Richard Ouzounian, Toronto Star
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